Former Panel Members

Annabelle Cumyn

Annabelle Cumyn is a member of and outgoing Chair of the Ethics Review Committee of the CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS.

She is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Université de Sherbrooke. She completed her medical training at McGill University and then at CHU Sainte- Justine to become a medical specialist in obstetric medicine. She holds a master's degree in health education and is interested in curriculum development.

As part of her duties, she develops a training plan to meet the needs of the various stakeholders involved in research ethics, whether researchers, REB members or research teams. Through advisory services, active follow-ups for formative purposes or annual round tables in research ethics, she wants to create an open and informative culture of dialogue.

Current research interests include citizen perspectives on the secondary use of health data and data management.

Annabelle is also active in various scientific committees, including the Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé working committee on Social License and the patient engagement sub-committee at HDRN (Health Data Research Network).

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